The guy sitting at the table behind us was Tweeking (nice enough tweeker though)
Just waiting for one more, (Curtis)
Bone's Donut skills were a little rusty.
the ground we're standing on was once part of a 10 KM landslide that cam from the mountains in the top right.
Motorcycle Friends Forever
Peeling around some Pumice Mine
Bone Home
(hammock) Tent City
4 dudes, 1 Tub
Natural Hot Spring Hot Tub avec Built in Fire Place
Big Daddy T even made the ride!
Thanks to all who attended, see you all this Friday after work at the Mohawk/Husky (whatever it is) for our trip up the KVR. The KVR has everything for every rider, it has EL Camino's, machete's, old harley's, terrible farm fuel for gas, sweet coozie's, and maybe an all night fire on a cliff somewhere.
good ride, bone's donut skills are chill but the heavy load got me. that landslide spot was amazing.-bone