Sunday, July 8, 2012

Aimless across America.

TKM and i took our shovelheads to Born Free 4. We took the I-5 down to a WKITHOC party at TriCO in Hollywood, stayed at Snake's house in Echoe Park. We rolled up to the observatory with seattle dudes, around a gate and up to the hollywood sign....COPS seriously. Parking tickets.

We head out to the show sitethe night before to check on Tyler, and Lisa , and "SHiT ClouD RidEr" at the builders invite circle. The Show was unreal, better than last year. Took 250 photos, mostly crazy knuclhead choppers. Best show in the USA.

After LA, we headed through Las Vegas on our way to Bonneville salt flats my gastank split wide open, JBL fixer up by our route changed, now headed to Bend Oregon for the "Freedom" celebration, july 4th. With Linda and her portland buddies, BBQ Bikini goodtimes. The Dessert was hot as fuck, the shovels like to go hard into the cool night, we average 450 miles a day and 750 the most. Total trip odometer 3000 miles of freedom. TKM pioneer of the "Rancho Relaxo" on the road and camping on a chopper........Love the open road.

PS. Anyone want to roll to Brooklyn in september???????



  1. hammock tent between 2 telephone poles... Dirty desert... me likey

  2. Good meeting you two dudes. Keep rockin' the freedom across this great country, we could use more of your type down here. I'm already looking forward to the next available opportunity to properly NASCAR a beer. USA USA USA!

  3. Wuz up, jeff from born free I was the guy with the doobie during the raffel,then later at camp site, good to here your trip was complete.just wanted to say you guys are the real deal.if your down this way in socal hit me up,go surf n,, got relitives in your area,maybe we can do some dirt bikeing .throttle therapy for ever!
